QuickBooks Product Data

QuickBooks Product Data 

Manage complex product structures and specifications.

The solution is Acctivate for Quickbooks with Clarity

Acctivate with Clarity manages the complex product structures of Food, Supplements and Personal Care products. We collect, enter and maintain detailed product data. Your products will have complete raw material specifications, finished product BIll Of Materials, label data and other information.

Increase online sales conversions with public-facing images and descriptions, and publish your information to e-commerce and online catalogs

Product Data Management

Combine Acctivate with Clarity plugins to complete your QuickBooks solution for complex product data and regulatory requirements

Allergen and Claims Data

Supports allergen, organic, Kosher, Halal and other industry specific types of product data.

Calculate Costs

Calculates formula and recipe cost estimates, with packaging and labor details.

Internal Specs

Create product specs for variables including size, grade, quality, and whatever you need. Supports unique physical and variable characteristics of raw materials (e.g. calories, sugar, fat, sodium, and more).

Manufacturing Instructions and Procedures

Embeds QC tests, labor costs and instructions, within recipe and packaging specifications

Potency Adjustments

Automatically calculate material requirements using ingredient potencies

Recipe Version Control

Apply discipline to managing recipes throughout development with multiple revisions and sell-through of discontinued versions

Vendor Qualifications

Vendor Qualification for materials and processing requires exact specifications and document management. The Crystal extensions to QuickBooks with Acctivate give you a complete system with specialized reporting for food, supplements, cosmetics and personal care

Customer Specifications

Contract manufacturers can generate customer-friendly specifications at the click of a button. Automatically redact flavoring systems and other trade secret information.

Fact Panels

Create ingredient and supplement fact panels using add-on FDA compliant labelling software.


Some of the features on this page are provided by Crystal Clarity, which is a set of software plugins that enhance Acctivate.

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